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Playbooks are quick, hands-on learning sessions you can do right from your work space. Each Playbook gives you information as well as practice opportunities so you apply something new in your work situation. The first Playbook called Launchpad Learning is free and we offer two on Customer Service called Center Stage Service. Actor's Edition is for employees and Director's one is for supervisors.

If you want to know more about upcoming Playbooks, sign-up for Maze Runners newsletter Notes from the Maze. We will publish Playbook release dates and share fascinating articles to help you make work a game you win! Enjoy the first two Playbooks!


Launchpad Learning

Launchpad Learning explains what you need to do to successfully teach and learn. This is the first Playbook because it also shows you how and why all the other Playbooks work. Launchpad Learning is also FREE.

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Center Stage Service Actor's Edition

Center Stage Service Actor’s Edition can help anyone who has customer service responsibility do a better job. Since providing good customer service is like staging a good performance, this Playbook unfolds in six Acts that give you a chance to understand and improve what happens before, during, and after the customer service moment.

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Center Stage Service Directors Cut

Center Stage Service Director's Cut is for customer service supervisors and managers ready to review and improve their customer services. This playbook helps you with hands-on exercises covering everything you need to do to prepare your actors before, during, and after the customer moment so your customers come back for more of your Center Stage Service.

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