Launchpad Learning


Launchpad Learning gives you an easy and effective way to remember how to improve your learning and teaching. The material is divided into several short segments. First, you will learn about what Launchpad Learning is, and then you will compare previous training against the Launchpad Learning model. Next, you will apply what you have learned by reviewing brief case studies about three organizations. Finally, you will make a plan for using Launchpad Learning to improve your organization.

Estimated completion time is 60 minutes for all the segments.

Where this comes from: More Information and Acknowledgements

Understanding how we learn makes us better students and teachers. Launchpad Learning originally started out as the “Get-Know-Try-Do” Model that was developed to help Boy Scout leaders learn how to teach a new course. This is a humane title compared to the actual psychology-speak of “An Interpretive Application of the Hermeneutic Circle." What?? The main concept, hermeneutics, is pretty interesting once you get over how alien it sounds. Hermeneutics is all about how people understand anything and how to apply what we learn and understand to real-life situations. (For a deeper dive to learn more about hermeneutics, check out Hermeneutics and the Social Sciences by Paul Ricoeur.) We at Maze Runners believe that, if we are investing the time to learn something, it is best to find the most effective way to understand, retain, and apply this new knowledge.

Problems it will solve.

Ineffective training can hold you back in your career and hurt the organization. These frustrations may be caused by poor training:

  • People won’t change
  • Our customer service is bad
  • My team doesn’t work well together
  • We have high turnover
  • People don’t think for themselves