Posted on: Jan 14, 2021
Have you ever had the experience of starting to work on something and then stopping, possibly due to circumstances out of your control? And then starting and stopping again? For example, a parent waking at night to tend a child and then going back to bed, only to be roused again. And the cycle repeats. If you experienced this you may have found that, after about three cycles, sleep eluded you no matter how tired you were. You may recall other instances when false starts resulted in loss of motivation and momentum. I call this False-Start Inertia.
These start-stop-starts have become commonplace because of the pandemic, and they will likely continue for some months. The business opens then closes, the project is on then off, or it’s on in a modified form. Motivation circles the drain, inertia fizzles, and you find yourself content to binge-watch NETFLIX or surf the internet. You spend your time, the only currency you have in life, on meaningless activity. At least you were able to make a choice and carry it through unimpeded.
False-Start Inertia may have snuck up on you, or you could have slipped into depression. Like False-Start Inertia, depression interferes with your ability to make and execute a decision. To remedy depression, medical or other supportive assistance is needed. False-Start Inertia is something you can combat. Realizing you are stuck is the first and most important step to getting unstuck. Don’t wallow in guilt because you got stuck. Accept that you are stuck because of things you did, things others did, turbulent circumstances, or alien interference. Just get ready to let go of the past and move forward. Next, you need a plan. Fortunately, there are many sources of inspiration and information on subjects like time management, motivation, habits, and life purpose.
Currently, I am surveying my rather large library of these topics looking for similarities, gems, quick tips, and suggestions to help you get your momentum back. Here is the first gem. This might feel anticlimactic, but it is irrefutable that no matter what action plan you implement, you will do it better and faster if you get enough sleep and exercise. Prepare yourself by building the energy you need to get moving again. Stretch, breathe, sweat, do planks, take walks, relax, take a hot bath, anything that relieves built up tension and recharges you physically. Right now, write down in your calendar what you will do and when you will begin an improved self-care routine. You will soon be ready to start on the plan.